Welcome to my World!
I am an indie fantasy author, who started publishing in February 2014. I have written bits and pieces since the age of ten, but it took a long time and growing up to come to the point where I was courageous enough to take the step into publishing my work.
Since I write for you to read my stories (and hopefully like them), I want you to give you the chance to find out more about me as a person and as a writer.
I've created this site for you, my readers, to get to know me and my work and I hope you will like what you find.
I hope you will enjoy the site and come back for more!
~ Caris
Caris McRaeI am Caris McRae and I live with my family and pets (cat 'n' dog) in Austria, Europe (the country of Mozart, Schwarzenegger, and Sound of Music).
A major bookworm, I read everything I can get my hands on from fantasy to paranormal romance to classic mythology, folklore, and legends and epics of old. As well as any good literature in general.
With four kids, I have an extensive knowledge about fairy tales, adventure stories, and everything else children from age four to twelve like to read.
However, as great as these tales are, I decided to write my own version
of them – for grown-ups.