Inspired by the fairy tales of my childhood and the heroic epics of old, I let my imagination run wild and write stories of unknown lands where strange powers are at work and the heroes are those who realize that the greatest strength is always found within.
News & Updates
Blaze of FireBlaze of Fire (Chronicles of Quiliaris 3)
is now available on Amazon! (posted 01/21/2018)
- Hinweis an alle Leser von Sword of Fire! Die deutsche Version, FeuerSchwert, wurde aufgrund einer Länge von über 900 Seiten in zwei Teile geteilt:
FeuerSchwert - Wandel (Chroniken von Quiliaris 2.1) und FeuerSchwert - Flamme im Dunkel (Chroniken von Quiliaris 2.2).
Der zweite Band wird wegen Verzögerungen bei Blaze of Fire voraussichtlich im Februar erscheinen.
Sobald ein genauer Termin feststeht, werde ich ihn sofort hier bekannt geben!
Alles Liebe und viel Spaß beim Lesen
- Vielen Dank an Marie-Claire für ihre Rezension von FeuerSeele auf ihrem Blog Bücherwürmchenswelt! (posted 08/24/17)
FeuerSchwert - Wandel, (Sword of Fire, part 1), is now available! Happy reading! (posted 08/19/2017)
- SmaragdFeuer, the German Edition of Emerald Fire,
is now available on Amazon! (posted 07/17/2017)
is now available on Amazon! (posted 12/16/2016)
- On the Books page, you find...well, my books with descriptions, samples, and links to where you can get them. Please feel free to comment on my works! I want to know what you think!
- On the Freebies page, you find extras on my brandnew Chronicles of Quiliaris series, such as the Glossary, deleted scenes, additional information, and whatever else I think will be of interest for you.Another thing you can find there are free stories of my Scrapbook of Hell project, which is a short story cycle set in well, Hell featuring Lu, Mike, Anubis and the whole bunch of Greek/Roman/Norse/Aztec wannabes creating havoc everywhere between Heaven and Hell...It is new, it is different and I thoroughly enjoy writing those shorts...I hope you do to.New installments will be available as soon as I finish writing them!
On the Journal page, you find my journal (fancy word for blog) where I'll share my thoughts on writing with you, quotes and pictures that inspire me, or anything of interest related to that. Please comment to your heart's content, as I'm extremely interested in your thoughts on the topics.
- This website is designed in a way that allows you to comment almost everything on my site, but for specific questions, wishes, and/or requests, please use the contact form on the (you guess it) Contact page.